Sunday, January 03, 2016

Sticking Point.

Most years, I choose a theme.  A general direction to set my personal compass to for the next 365 days - to give me some semblance of focus.

It's helpful.

This last year - I didn't have it in me to choose the words.  I was in a survival mode produced by several circumstances both internal and external and I just needed to MAKE IT.  It was simple.


The last month or so I've been reflecting - taking stock of 2015 and figuring out what my new direction might be.

And I still don't have one really.

I don't have one because I'm so full of gratitude for the last year that all my brain waves are full.  I may not have had an aim but much was still accomplished.

Connections were deepened.
Relationships strengthened.
Creative fires lit.
Work accomplishments attained.
Healing occurred.
Priorities realigned.
Hope regained.
Humility increased.
Fortitude increased.
Emotional intelligence increased.
Empathy increased.
Decisions made.
Lessons learned.
And learned again.
Some I'm still learning.

The beginning of last year saw me taken down to my core, my defenses down, my spirit weakened.  I was afraid.  I wasn't me.

But because of that rawness I was able to feel, see, and learn more than ever before. My stone wall was torn down and so everything had a way in. It was uncomfortable and downright awful at times - but it was productive.

And I made it.

Part of me has a hard time saying that aloud. Because it wasn't pretty. It was painful. And not just to me. To people who I love and admire greatly.

Past all that ugliness and pain is the space of life I currently occupy which somehow, amidst all that chaos - is one of peace.  One that doesn't require me to go fishing for the compass in search of direction.  For the first time in my life, I feel as though I'm where I'm supposed to be.

In this space there is not fear, confusion or anger.  There is love, surety, and calm.

And so much gratitude.

For people, for life, for sharing the love.

Thank you.

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