Tuesday, September 29, 2015

On relationships.

Everyone looks for a scapegoat.  Whether it was a stolen pen, a missed deadline or a parting of souls - we are trained to look for the person responsible.  

It has to be someone's FAULT.  It's impossible that something could just HAPPEN or that there might be an ACCIDENT or that perhaps all efforts have been exhausted and the way out is THIS.  

No.  Completely impossible.  

WHO DID IT? Because I am ANGRY. 

I'd like to just throw it out there into the Universe that it's possible this thinking is WRONG.  

What if instead we lent others the benefit of the doubt? How about asking questions before hypothesizing answers? Why don't we just ask why and have conversation? 


Well, we all suck at conversations.  Especially those that might require us to let down our guard, let someone in or let something....GO. These things are hard.  

...to connect with someone truly, to expose your innards, your missteps, your FEAR and then to hang it on nothing but HOPE that they will find it in themselves to offer you the greatest gesture: UNDERSTANDING...


Hang it all on hope?  


Much easier to gather assumptions by the barrel full and walk away from the unknown.  

And yet it's this bit of humanity we are all seeking.  To BE known.  To have the kinds of connections that offer us grace, compassion and love perhaps even when we don't deserve them.  Unconditional love.  Acceptance without a price.  

Even to offer these things is risky - because you may not always get it in return.  Often your hands are left empty and your heart slightly worse for the wear just because you TRIED. 

You tried and then nothing came back to you in return. 

But isn't that what we seek also?  To be selfless and benevolent and as altruistic as possible?  I think most of us would love to at least aim for this goal...

Yet we find it SO hard to converse from the soul and to share what is hard to say - that instead, we clam up, we go our separate ways and we carry the burden of that lost effort.  

A failed effort is not lost - only one that has not been attempted at all.  

To whom could you offer your hand today? 

1 comment:

  1. Just Love that punch line, "A failed effort is not lost...."
    I sing and write poetry. How it seems(to me) that there are hindrances or just no bridge when one was counting on that human bridge to be there, for you. But I have seen the Hand of God doing, causing so simply, that the Significance of the encouragement can easily be under valued. May I continue to have Grace to Continue!
