Thursday, November 14, 2013


The November gratitudes on Facebook often come off silly or a bit contrived to me.  I opted not to participate this year because it felt too forced and obligatory.

But I can see what everyone else is writing.  And instead of feeling silly or contrived, while reading them I realize that I am grateful for some of the same things posted by my friends.

An attitude of gratitude.

I've been living inside my own head a lot lately.  A crazy schedule in many areas of my life means that my social and personal connections are suffering while other areas excel.  For the most part, I'm cool with that.

But I recognize lately the toll it's taking.

While misery usually loves company, I tend to suffer alone.

HOWEVER, celebration loves to SHARE all of the time.

I'm not celebrating things enough anymore.  I'm not singing from the rooftops about the great things happening in our community because I've let the big picture get drowned out by the details. Sometimes you spend so much time working for something that you forget to rejoice in even the smallest successes.

It's about damn time I got around to celebrating.  In fact, I'd like to spend so much time celebrating that I forget to complain.  How about them apples?

What if I dedicated so much of my energy to being grateful for what IS that I didn't have any left for the negatives?

That would be awesome.

And it's attainable isn't it? And still true.  It's not "rose-colored glasses" or glass's the truth.  I'm just changing my perspective and focusing on things that make smile rather than frown.

So much easier said than done but it sounds like a great challenge to me.

I've often let the world get down on me for being positive.  Having a sunny disposition often comes across as naivete and weakness-I possess neither.  So too many times, I let the world tell me that I have to be tough to get ahead, move forward or make progress.  But I'm listening to the wrong side.
It's time to be thankful, to celebrate and to look on the bright side.  There is ALWAYS a good reason to rejoice, and y'all know I love to throw a good party.

Who's in?

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