Sunday, November 23, 2014

Painful Clarity.

Life is full of ups and downs. 

We know that, right? We all know that there will be times that boost our confidence and widen our smiles and fill our hearts. We also know there will be times that try our patience, play on our weaknesses and wear on our nerves. 

And really, you can't have one without the other. 

Recently, I've been going through some debilitating pain. It has brought me to my knees, streaked my face with tears and truly shaken my soul. I've become afraid. 

While my physical self has been undergoing such turmoil, it's really my mental state that has me reeling.  I'm frustrated that I can't do the things I stay out late, workout and be active with friends or move quicker than a turtle's pace. I'm impatient for this moment to pass. I'm annoyed that I'm letting this thing win in these moments. I'm angry that I can't be ME. 

Me typically works at mach speed. Me likes to accomplish 100 things in a day and still be planning for the next. Me likes to do all of the things. 

But right now, ME IS TIRED. 

Moving at a gentler pace is helping me to focus on what is most important in each moment. If I only have the capacity to do two things today-what should they be? How does one make a choice like that? 

Prioritizing my life in this way provides some clarity. I notice myself letting things slide that may irk me normally. I see how I am eager to connect wth my loved ones and enjoy those moments. I am reminding myself to be GRACIOUS and GRATEFUL because I truly am surrounded by love. 

It is a well known athlete's mantra to say that PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY...and I get that. Even in my case that's probably true. In those terrible moments I feel broken and weak. I feel hopeless and scared and hurt. 

But these moments do eventually pass. Sometimes in a day or two and sometimes a few weeks, but there is always an end. When I've pushed through to the other side, I do in fact feel stronger and more capable and even proud. 

Staying focused on the fact that the other side exists is the challenge. Remembering that we really ARE strong enough in the hardest moments is the greatest hurdle. 

It's not just that the end is coming...whether that be relief or success or even failure.  It's that this very moment will soon be gone and the next is going to take it's place.  There's just no going back.  

There is only THIS.  So what will you do with it?

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